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buried oil pipeline中文是什么意思

用"buried oil pipeline"造句"buried oil pipeline"怎么读"buried oil pipeline" in a sentence


  • 地下输油管道


  • The safety study on shutdown of daqing to harbin buried oil pipeline
  • The authors consider that the insulation depreciation cost , heat loss cost and power cost must be taken into account when the insulation layer thickness of buried oil pipeline is determined
  • Take the total annual cost as an optimal object , this paper establishes the mathematical model for optimal design of insulation layer thickness of buried oil pipeline , and develops optimal design software
  • An optimal design on the insulation layer thickness of buried oil pipeline for an oil production complex in daqing oilfield is made , and comparison and analysis are also made between optimal design result and actual measured result
  • In allusion to the coating overhaul of buried oil pipeline of northeast oil pipeline networks that disturbs the thermal condition of pipeline and impacts the safety of operating safety of the pipeline , this paper analyzes the thermal condition of soil temperature field and provides the thermal comparison cases of linghai pumping station ( coating repair ) and suizhong pumping station ( coating non - repair ) in tieling - qinhuangdao oil pipeline
用"buried oil pipeline"造句  
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